Why a blog?
I’ve wanted to start blogging since 7th grade after finding a couple blogs I really enjoyed. I didn’t pursue it at the time because I didn’t feel I had anything significant to write about. I didn’t really think about starting one again until I entered undergrad. I thought then I could document my college journey and would have an outlet to document how I went through injury as a collegiate athlete and what my life looked like after. I didn’t start one though. I was too scared to because I thought it would have to be perfect.
As a PT student, I started a small, personal blog to document my journey and learn how to overcome my “perfectionist” personality. With the busyness of PT school and work, the timing of the blog was not right. Now, I again am fighting my “perfectionist” personality to document my life and thoughts on PT and health and fitness.
I think being a perfectionist has its place, but I don’t want it to stop me from doing things just because it won’t be exactly the way I pictured it. I want to become better at shifting my mindset away from having to be perfect–to doing things well even if they can’t be perfect. I never want my need for perfection to hold be back from doing things well or just for fun.